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No one can win every restraining order hearing, but some attorneys can win a lot of them. Sometimes I handle domestic violence cases every single week. As a result, I have a «war manual» that I bring with me to every hearing. In it, I have some of the strongest cases on the subject that I can pick and choose to use at different points in the hearing. Some of these cases are unpublished which means that are rather obscure. However, they can still be used to get great results and make a good record in the event that an appeal needs to be filed.

If you have chosen your lawyer and he or she is not representing you well in your case, you can fire your lawyer. Remember you want the best lawyer possible. Communication is very important in this situation. Before you fire your old lawyer, make sure that you have already obtained a new one. The new lawyer will send a discharge letter to the lawyer and file it with the court. The old lawyer will still charge you for time for discussing the case with the new lawyer and preparing your file for transfer. If you owe the old lawyer money, it will delay the release of your file to the new lawyer.

The vital importance of a power of attorney could best be demonstrated by the fact if you should happen to contact a disabling disease which could render you incapable of making your own decisions. Should you have to be hospitalized, you want someone to pay your mortgage and take care of your banking needs; you don’t want to loose all that you have worked hard for. A estate plan lawyers near me can protect you legally with the local laws.

When the client contacted the lawyer, he had the case reinstated. However, it was not until the opposing attorney withdrew from the case, that the lawyer acted to put forward the interests of his client. Meanwhile, the lawyer allowed the woman’s husband to abscond, fleeing the jurisdiction of the court, with the bulk of the marital assets. The lawyer did get an order of spousal support, but did nothing effective to collect or enforce the spousal support order against the defendant who was not paying.

I have seen criminal defense attorneys explain to the court that they are really not in a position to deal with the custody, visitation and child support issues because the client has another attorney for those issues and the attorney handling the restraining order case is clueless when it comes to those issues. Sometimes, the family court issues can be an integral part of settling or winning the case but if your attorney cannot address these issues, you are seriously prejudicing all of your case.

Get references. Ask your lawyer for references from two previous clients. Call them, ask how their divorce went and if they were happy with the lawyer. Make sure to ask were there any problems that arose they think you should know about. Agree not to talk about this to your lawyer.

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